Sunday, January 13, 2013

Job 32-37

Sunday mornings I can be a bit... cranky.  Getting out the door to go to church just takes its toll on me and I'm ashamed to say I drive down that crabby toll road almost every Sunday.  Does anyone identify?  It's the stress of having to look decent, turn three little ragamuffins into adorable cupcakes, make sure I've got everything for Sunday school, and panic as my husband hops in the shower three minutes before our scheduled departure. (He's always in the car in time, but how does he do that?!  It's miraculous.)

I bounce back in a hurry though because nothing rejuvenates me like my Sunday school class.  Those four year olds are so darling, so pumped to be there, and so excited about Jesus.  They're so little and so full of God's love.  Thankfully none of them have seen anything like the heartache Job experienced.  Still, I thought of my little students during this reading because I love that Elihu finally speaks up.  He's a nervous wreck, but he just goes for it: "It is not only the old who are wise, not only the aged who understand what is right." (32:9)

Is that a great message for our smallest Christ followers, or what?  The Bible gives all kinds of examples of different walks of life and everyone gets a turn to shine- God can work through anyone who is willing: Samaritans, tax collectors, fishermen, carpenters, shepherds, pariahs, queens, prostitutes, rich, poor, short, tall, and here?  Youthful, inexperienced Elihu.  I love these supporting characters we don't hear about much, but that God brings into the act to show us he will use every type of person under the sun to advance his kingdom.

God is going to use my tiny pupils in hundreds of different ways... he already does!  Like refreshing a crabby mom turned teacher on Sunday mornings.

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