Friday, October 25, 2013

Mi Casa Es Su Casa

Are parties fun, or what?  There is nothing I love more than inviting my favorite people over for some food and fun.  But I hate pre-party prep.  The vacuuming, the dusting, the window cleaning, the stressing about food (is it enough? is it yummy? is anyone allergic? is anyone vegan?), it goes on and on!  Sometimes my husband threatens to not let me have people over anymore because HE claims I get crabby!  Moi?  Crabby? 

Yes.  Very, very crabby. A big crab with a clean house.

Do you feel this way?  Are you torn between wanting the fun of friends and fellowship and the dread of doing copious amounts of cleaning beforehand?  If so, welcome to Club Martha.  Dear Martha.  It's stressful enough having visitors, but the King of kings?  Yes, I imagine she was a bit flustered and wanting all to be right.  I love Jesus' line: " 'Martha, Martha' [he says her name twice! Does he do that anywhere else in Scripture? I don't know, but I love it.] the Lord answered, 'you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed- or indeed only one'...." (Luke 10: 41-42).

Is it just me, or do you sort of feel like Jesus himself is giving us permission to skip the pre-company stove cleaning?!  I'm sure that wasn't exactly his point, but maybe it was just a little.  Fellowship is important.  Old friends are important, new friends are important, opening our Christian homes to people is important.  Total disinfection not necessary. 

So swing by!  Come on over!  Embrace my messy and chaotic home.  I can't promise gourmet food or that you won't step on a Polly Pocket, but I can guarantee pretzels, Diet Coke, and bad puns.


Anonymous said...

Nice. Remember in the Bible when Jesus turned one can of Diet Coke into a 24 pack! Then he split a pretzel in half and made enough for the whole party!! Wish I lived a little closer I would crash that party!! "Thou shall remove shoes before entering ones household, unless the rug is littered with polly pockets" Duderonmy 31:6

- Russell

Julie said...

Oh, right! Such a classic story. I think there's something in there about stepping on Legos too. Drives Jesus nuts.