Monday, May 20, 2013

Justice (Psalm 5, Psalm 38, Psalm 41-42)

I had the best meeting tonight!  My church is putting together a Justice Ministry team and we are pumped!  A while back a gentleman from the International Justice Ministry (IJM) came to speak to our church and left us with no choice but to take action.  He told horrific stories about human trafficking and the like; things we know are happening other places.  Far away places.  Or so I thought.

Now I know Toledo, OH ranks fourth in our nation for sex trafficking.  That's a mere two and a half hour drive from me.  Trafficking is a huge problem in Muskegon, minutes from one of my favorite vacation spots.  This happens.  This happens in the state you live in.  It's too horrible to go on about, but I love that churches, lawmakers, individuals, are taking action.  It's overwhelming.  We discussed at our meeting that the research for what we want to accomplish will take a minimum of six months.  Sadly, there are too many directions for us to go.  Local is so important, but what about the poorest of the poor?  They aren't in America.  We are desperate to stop sex trafficking.  And debt bondage.  And forced labor.  And organ harvesting.  There are so many ways to be a victim.

I didn't really mean for this post to be depressing, but I guess it's reading that way, isn't it?  The good news is we are becoming aware and taking action!  IJM Presiden and CEO says: "God has ignited a movement of transformation in his church- a movement of passion and action on behalf of millions who are victims of injustice in our world.  Believers are discovering clear, Christ-centered pathways to concretely 'seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, and plead for the widow.'" (Is. 1:17)

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