Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It's The Season For Gifts

Here is something I've learned about myself in this year of Bible reading: my favorite verses are the one sentence commands.  Romans is a treasure trove of quick and easy to remember verses!  Glory!  Some of my favorites are the Love in Action wisdoms in chapter 12: 9-18.  We have a little chalkboard by the door that I write verses on and read to the girls when we walk out of the house.  I try to change it up and get pieces of the whole Bible, but Romans is up there more than any other book.  I'm not even offended it's called Romans and not Rowomans!

My next chalkboard verses need to be 12:6-8: We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.  If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

I'm totally enamored.  Whoever said kids don't come with a handbook, need to pick up a Bible.  I'm totally going to use those verses for years to come!  "Use your gifts!"  "Pursue your gifts!" "Everyone has different gifts!"  And to myself: "Maybe softly closing doors just isn't that daughter's gift!"  I like to say when God was handing out patience (or soft spoken voices, or math skills, or musicality), I was in line for big thighs!  God is so good and so brilliant to give us all different gifts, isn't he?!  Imagine what a cluster it would be if we were all just crazy encouraging all the time... cheerleaders would have much stiffer competition at tryouts!  Or if we were all leaders?  Disaster!  All that about too many chiefs...

I'm so thankful for your awesome gifts!  Shoot, I'm even thankful for my substantial legs!


Carla said...
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Anonymous said...

First of all, you have great legs. Second of all, died laughing at the closing doors sentence. You're too humble to mention your many real amazing gifts. One of them is bringing joy to people!

Julie said...

:) You are kind! I certainly do make awesome friends and I count that as one of the very best gifts!!