Friends, I have been useful today! (I can't always say that.) My baby's favorite stuffed animal lost its ear a while back and I? Sewed it back on today! Like a real mom! Who sews! Here it is:
Bun-Bun has two ears again! |
I love feeling useful. Which means I also love writing politicians (regarding issues
even more important than missing bunny ears!) It's such an easy thing to do, and it makes a difference. Before you "x" out of this window forever, I promise this is not becoming a political blog. Selling children as sex slaves, is not, should not, be a political thing; it's a human thing.
Sadly, many of our states do not have a safe harbor law to protect child prostitutes from prosecution. Children forced into this lifestyle, with no hope of escape, can be charged as criminals rather than supported as victims. Let's not sugar coat this. It is human trafficking. It is slavery. As Christians, we are also called to free others from bondage- both spiritually and physically. Jesus leads us toward the suffering and asks us to meet the physical, earthly needs of these aching prisoners. In this case, the aching and abused
children. It is a daunting task, but do not be overwhelmed. Here are four easy things you can do to fight child prostitution:
1. Pray. Pray for a massive decline in demand for children sex slaves. Pray for the young men and women who have been rescued and are trying to recover. Pray for children still enslaved- that they remain hopeful, and are rescued soon. Pray for our political leaders to recognize the importance of this issue and take action.
2. Write your Senators, Congressmen and women, Governors, all your political leaders! Find out if there is a safe harbor statute for children in your state. Tell them to crack down on human trafficking. Be heard!
3. If you are interested in doing more or learning more, check out
International Justice Mission or
Polaris Project. They have loads of information, resources, and Hallelujah! Rescue stories!
4. Know this number: 1-888-373-7888. It is the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Call if you suspect any kind of potential trafficking.
If you happen to be snowed in (or frozen in), don't fret about not getting your errands done, you can accomplish so much from your own cozy home. And I promise, doing any one of these things is better than sewing a thousand bunnies back together.